Friday, September 5, 2014

PEF Self Reliance Missionary Training, August 17-19 2014

On Sunday, August 17th at 9am we gathered at the MTC in a cozy room with 8 other Self-Reliance missionary couples for 3 hours of training with Elder Robert C. Gay of the 1st Quorum of the Seventy. He is leading the Self-Reliance initiative charge.  He told us that the Preach My Gospel Manuel was written for missionaries to help increase their faith.  "Preach with Faith to teach with power and authority".  He also said in the church we need converted leaders, (broken hearts and contrite spirits) converted members, and converted Missionaries, that are all converted by the Spirit.

No tithing money is used for the Perpetual Education Fund, it is totally perpetual in every sense of the word, no principal is used.  The loans are based on the earning from the fund only.  As Self-Reliance missionaries we will be helping people to act for themselves. The Savior didn't give people goods or things, he lifted them by showing them a better way.

Our group consisted of (left to right) Brother Roper, the Glauser's (Draper) going to St. Petersburg Russia, the Lee's (British Columbia) to Manchester England, the Reed's (Colorado) Micronesia Guam, the Powell's (Eden, Ut) to Hong Kong, China, the Nish's (S. Africa) to Vanuatu PortVila-SL, the Wheatley's (Draper) to Argentina Rosario, the Porter's (Orem) to Puerto Rico, and the Snell's (England) to South Africa and Elder Falabella of the First Quorum of the Seventy.

On Monday and Tuesday, we met on the 26th floor of the church office building where we were trained by some very impressive individuals working voluntarily and vigorously in this effort. Brother David Roper (son-in-law to Elder Ballard) works with recruiting and assigning senior missionaries. Tom Reuckert who is over all the PEF loans worldwide.  Geoff Davis who works with Elder Gay and Mike Sloan in an organization called "Uniteus" which is a poverty alleviation NGO and Mike Murrray a Harvard guy that reported to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates directly and who has made this effort his current labor of love.

(David Roper presenting to our group)
Below is Fred and Sharon Hunsaker (Logan) volunteers helping Self-Reliance missionaries when they get their calls. We talked to him and his wife a lot with many questions before we departed. They live in Logan but keep an apt in Salt Lake for these trainings that are once a month. They really took good care of us. They are from Logan and are good friends to Steve and Betty Stokes.

The views from the 26th floor of the Church Office Building were breath-taking Post Cards!

We also got some little gems like, President Monson's office is in the building behind the waterfall in the NW corner, ground level and the First Presidency have the other corner ground level rooms. On levels 2 and 3 are offices for the Quorum of the Twelve.

 And, of course, President Monson's apartment is located in the L shaped building below, top floor, north corner with the green tinted windows.

Here's WHY we are Self-Reliance missionaries:

Elder Gay counseled us to, "Listen for the voice, hear the voice and then follow the voice".  Here are some other choice quotes from Elder Gay:

President Eyring said that PEF/Self-Reliance perhaps is the greatest converting tool the church has.

This calling (missionary service) is the answer to the questions: 'to what you were ordained?' (D&C 50:13) It's serious business.

Regarding PEF and Self-Reliance, Elder Gay said, "We report directly to the 1st Presidency.  That's how we have been able to get so much done in such a short time. We have a license to go to all the world."

"You've been called to serve in Self-Reliance but don't get sucked into helping or doing it (anything) for them.  Invite them to act and to pray.  Don't you pray for them.  Instead teach them to pray and act thus opening the lines of communication with God...thus unleashing the Powers of Heaven. Everyone needs the powers of heaven!"

There is a fast spreading global sickness in the world today.  No country is exempt.  A crisis and a culture of Governments (and even well-meaning NGOs) taking care of the poor by giving handouts, doles, and welfare. It is not sustainable.  It's not doctrinally sound.  It's a counterfeit that does not work and can not work.  We must teach Self-Reliance at the root and at the core.

This work is important.  The Self-reliance program, employees, and missionaries names are placed on the temple rolls throughout the world each day.

Brigham Young said, "We need to teach the saints how to live"

Our fundamental scripture is D&C 104:15-17 (the poor shalt be exalted..)

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