Thursday, December 25, 2014

Feliz Navidad

The Rosario Stake Center has this large nativity outside of their chapel.  I have no idea how they keep the little kids from playing with it! Those planters won't keep them out!

The  Christmas tree (below) is in the entry of our chapel, Parque Urquica

Sunday we traveled to Las Delicias Ward (below) and we found this darling nativity. The plant/tree is real and after sacrament meeting some sisters were taking a heart of the plant/tree and hurrying to the Primary room. Never did find out what that was all about.

This is real grass that the nativity is sitting on.  It was so cute and once again, how are they keeping the children from playing with it?

The Nativity scene below we found in Our Lady of the Rosary's Cathedral Basilica built in 1731. We went there last week and baby Jesus wasn't in the display, but on Christmas Eve he was in his place.  They were holding a service inside and we quickly walked to the front of the Cathedral and snapped these 2 pictures so they aren't the best.  Confessions were also taking place, but I couldn't get a good shot of that. The priest was sitting in the open with a divider between him and the confessor, there was a long line waiting for their turn.  The line moved very quickly! We could see the priest as we walked by, he was wearing levis, tennis shoes and was young.

And this is our little nativity decor in our apartment! Merry Christmas everyone!

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