Monday, August 31, 2009

Play Time

Going in Circles

Well, it's been quite the month...
Are we coming or going... We're not sure.

Ang's operation and many, many blood testings (I won't go into details)...
I had a picture of Ang on this blog, but Ang reminded me that I was not to post it, so it is off. I am already forgetting promises that I made...senior moments!

Katherine flying home from Kentucky to help with the kids, Abby's homecoming and Liz's kids for a week...

Abby coming home from Disneyworld after 8 long months! WE LOVE YOU ABBY!
Welcome Home Abby and don't plan on leaving anytime soon!

Angie and Tom's 7th Wedding Anniversary and
Katherine and Taurean's 1st Anniversary.. Happy Anniversary, Congratulations!!

Joshua and Savannah selling snow cones on the golf course. One hour and $15.00 later. It was only 100 degrees that day.

Our sweet little baby Lillyanne being born to John and Liz...
Savannah loving every minute of being a big sister

Wheatley Family Reunion Camp Out: Grandpa Lester falling off his bike and cutting up his face and the brothers band...

Looking forward to next years Reunion with the Wheatley boys and the BAND.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Rigby Adventures

We went to Rigby on Friday and experienced a very close encounter of the airplane kind! He was much lower out of my rear view mirror. I thought he was trying to land. Alan was even nervous.

Ang, Jack and Brooke did a little camera work for a Handstands projcet and Jack was showing us his skills with the ball.

Lunch at Wingers was great and everyone behaved themselves. Brooke was entertaining all the neighbors!
Sunday night in Draper was filled with a post man and lots of mail floating around to everyone. Needless to say all the children were very busy and very well behaved.